
What is capacitance and what is the formula for calculating capacitance?

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Capacitance, also known as “electrical capacity”, is the amount of free charge stored at a given potential difference, denoted as C. The international unit is the farad (F). Generally speaking, the charge will be moved by the force in the electric field, when there is a medium between the conductors, it hinders the charge movement and makes the charge accumulate on the conductor, resulting in the accumulation of charge storage, the amount of stored charge is called capacitance.

Capacitance is the ability to hold charge. Any electrostatic field is composed of many capacitors. If there is an electrostatic field, there is a capacitance. Capacitance is described by electrostatic field. It is generally believed that an isolated conductor forms a capacitance with infinity, and the conductor grounding is equivalent to being connected to infinity and connected with the earth as a whole.


Capacitance (or capacitance) is a physical quantity that expresses the capacitor’s ability to hold an electric charge. Physically speaking, capacitance is a static charge storage medium, and it is possible that the charge will exist permanently, which is its characteristic. It has a wide range of uses, and it is an indispensable electronic component in the field of electronics and electric power.

It is mainly used in power supply filtering, signal filtering, signal coupling, resonance, filtering, compensation, charging and discharging, energy storage, DC isolation and other circuits.

Capacitance definition

The ratio of the amount of charge carried by a capacitor, Q, to the voltage between the capacitor’s poles, U, is called the capacitance of a capacitor. In circuitry, the ability of a capacitor to store charge given a potential difference is called capacitance, marked C. Using the international system of units, the unit of capacitance is the farad, marked F.

The symbol for capacitance is C.


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